Web Hosting and Special Web Services

Please note that I’m no longer available for hire.
Thank you for your interest!

If you’re looking for hosting with responsible support, smooth and security-conscious website operation, website backups and ability to respond to emergencies then look no further!

Web Hosting

I undertake your website’s hosting and domain name management so you don’t have to bother with technical complexities. If you’re satisfied with the service and bring friends to my hosting you get free hosting credit!

Note: At this moment there is no direct access to a control pannel. I personally setup the resources that you need. FTP and database access is provided.

Hosting Specifications:

  • Servers in France and Canada
  • Linux
  • Apache 2.4
  • PHP 7.2
  • MySQL (Maria DB 10.1)
  • SSD Hard Disks
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Space
  • POP/IMAP emails

CMS security, update and maintenance (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc)

Do you use a ready-made Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal or other? Do you know that those systems can often be vulnerable?

I undertake for you several necessary safety practices as well as the process of constant updates for your website and its extensions. Before updating I make a backup so it can be immediately restored if things go wrong.

What’s the issue with Content Management Systems?

If the CMS or CMS extensios are outdated or no basic security measures (that CMSs often do not provide out of the box) have been taken, then this opens doors to known attacks which take advantage of security holes due to the lack of updates and basic security measures. For this reason it’s important that the CMS itself but also all of its extensions be updated to their latest versions, as well as keep some basic security practices.

Website and web application backups

You’re happy with your site’s current state and want to create a backup just in case? Do you want regular or automated backup for security reasons? Do you need remote backup for peace of mind? I help you find and implement the solution that is works best for you!